As we said in our immediate reaction, Secret Team was long on character and short on lore. We have a bit of character backstory that’s fit to speculate about, but what facts did we get out of this episode?
Aivi and Surasshu post: Five tracks from Space Race
We’ve gotten five Space Race tracks from Aivi and Surasshu. These tracks include:
- After These Messages (0:44)
- UUU Fanfare / Let’s Build a Spaceship Part 1 (0:22)
- Blast Off! (0:25)
- Let’s Build a Spaceship Part 2 (0:44)
- Almost There (2:07)
Preview for Island Adventure
We have a second preview for Island Adventure (our first being the sneak peak). Maybe Island Adventure should run out and tell all of its friends that it’s the preview master.
Aivi and Surasshu post Weatherbomb
Aivi and Surasshu have posted Weatherbomb (1:11) from House Guest. It’s from the climax of the episode, as Steven and Greg try to fix the geode before it fails and lets the synthetic storm loose.
Immediate reaction to Secret Team
Alas, we didn’t get to see any new areas of the temple. A wasted opportunity, perhaps: the temple is enormous, and could feasibly contain just about anything the writers could dream up. Maybe some day we’ll get to see more of it.
This was more of a character episode than a lore episode, so we didn’t learn very much.
As far as music is concerned, however, we’re definitely looking forward to when Secret Team‘s songs are posted.
What to expect from Secret Team
Secret Team airs tomorrow. The preview shows Steven and Amethyst as they are about to cause Pearl to drop a bubble containing gem shards; Amethyst has said Garnet will be mad at Pearl having the bubble, and identifies it as one of Rose Quartz’s (which you can see is distinctively pink, just as Amethyst’s are purple and Pearl’s are white).
This appears to be an episode that will show us a bit more about the temple the Crystal Gems inhabit. Pearl is in her room with the bubble, so when she drops the gem shards they will probably be washed away into the waterfall; a search through the areas the waterfall leads to will probably ensue, and that just wouldn’t be fun if it simply led to Amethyst’s room. They’ll most likely plan for Steven to be the one to re-bubble it, so it will look like Rose’s bubble. We’ll probably also get a little bit more exposition about Rose or the backstory since Pearl will certainly be asked what she was doing with that bubble.
However, a fun thing to watch out for: Garnet will probably find out about their secret team in the end. And if Mr. Burnett wasn’t just being silly… We might see her bury Pearl and Amethyst at the end of the episode, until they learn their lesson. 🙂
New episode: Island Adventure will air on October 23, 2014
Next week we’ll get to see another Steven Universe episode, Island Adventure, at the usual time: 6:45 PM EST.
Because of all the hubbub with Comic Com, we’ve actually gotten an episode preview for it early, so be sure to check that out if you missed it. Other than that, here’s the summary as always:
Island Adventure:
Steven takes Lars and Sadie on a vacation to a magical beach to mend their friendship.
Sneak peak: Island Adventure
Usually we have to wait longer for episode previews, but this week was special because of Comic Con. Here’s a clip from next week’s episode, Island Adventure:
Song of the week: Drop the Strawberry
Space Race was great fun, and in honor of Pearl’s intense concentration on making the Universe Mach 3, this week’s featured song is Drop the Strawberry. It’s the perfect tune to work by, whether you’re trying to get your breakfast or your spaceship just right.
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