Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 186: You’re In Control

GC13 and David discuss the finale for the first season of Mr. Jones-Quartey’s OK K.O.!: You’re In Control.

Even if the power levels on display in the episode make absolutely no sense at all, it’s certainly a big deal of an episode. Not only is there a big change in management at Boxmore, the fight scenes are just great.

Then, of course, there’s the question of what everything means for K.O. It looks like we’ll have to wait and see…


  1. Just a little tidbit, the power of T.K.O. stems from not anger, but helplessness which is a combination of various emotions. And as for “Power Levels” they’re meant to be a measurement of Heroic deeds rather than Pure Power.

      • gc13 on April 10, 2018 at 4:44 pm

      Regarding what level measures, the whole point of You’re Level 100 is everyone assuming that K.O. is strong because he’s level 100. When they need to fight the Level -100 Big Darrel they bundled everyone in the Plaza up until they had 100 levels worth of heroes—silly, but also saying that your level is about power. A Real Magic Skeleton even explicitly states that at level 100 he’s more powerful than Gar. Dynamite Watkins says that at level 100 he might be the most powerful hero in the world.

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