What we learned from Fusion Cuisine

Given its name, you can’t be surprised that Fusion Cuisine gave us a bit of information about gem fusions to chew on—that should be no spoiler at all. It was definitely a novel kind of fusion, and it seems to have novel effects to go along with it. Opal and Sugilite gave us one set of expectations, and Alexandrite seems to challenge them.

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Ratings for Fusion Cuisine

Is seems that the ratings for Cartoon Network without Dish Network have found their bottom. Showbuzz Daily has Steven Universe putting up ratings similar to last week, at about 1,458,000 viewers for Fusion Cuisine. We’ll see a huge spike in the numbers for the series just as soon as this contract issue gets worked out.

Preview for Garnet’s Universe

We still wish Garnet was our mother. The preview for Garnet’s Universe is up, and we get to listen to Steven the Storyteller:



Immediate reaction to Fusion Cuisine

Right about the motives for the Crystal Gems to fuse? You bet we were!

We may not have gotten to see them in the actual act of fusing, but boy was Alexandrite’s behavior interesting. She doesn’t quite fit in with how Opal and Sugilite acted, so yet again we’re waiting for the series to progress more to see if she’s an exception or if the rule is different than we thought it was.

What to expect from Fusion Cuisine

A while ago we were promised mothers in Beach City. Expect Fusion Cuisine to follow through on that promise and show us what Connie’s mother looks like.

This episode should be about all three of the Crystal Gems fusing together to pretend to be Steven’s mother. Presumably Garnet’s rather interesting method of conversation is one of the catalysts for the fusion: each Crystal Gem has her flaws, so Steven hopes that by combining them together he’ll get all of their best traits in one Gem.

Expect that not to go so well, if the original name for this episode was in fact Fusion Crime. If there are severe personality problems then it’s probably too early for Steven to use his fusion powers to fuse with the resulting Gem and stabilize it, but anything is possible.

We’ll be watching to see how a multi-fusion works: will all three of them fuse at the same time, or will two fuse first then the third will fuse with the resulting fusion Gem?

Ratings for Keep Beach City Weird!

Not having Cartoon Network on Dish Network is continuing to hurt. TV Media Insights puts Keep Beach City Weird! at 1,446,000 viewers.

New episode: Garnet’s Universe will air on November 13, 2014

Garnet is a mysterious mystery to all of us. On November 13, at the usual time of 6:45 PM EST, we’ll learn just how much of a mystery she is to Steven too.

Garnet’s Universe
Steven imagines what Garnet does with her day.

Song of the week: Glitch City

There have been a lot of weird things happening in Beach City since… Well, forever, really. Steven knows a thing or two about how things get when it gets really weird, so this week’s song of the week is Glitch City.



Steven Universe air times for November 3-9, 2014

All times are EST.

9:30 AM: Steven and the Stevens
9:45 AM: Monster Buddies
10:00 AM: Secret Team
10:15 AM: Joking Victim
10:30 AM: Island Adventure
10:45 AM: Keep Beach City Weird!

6:45 PM: Fusion Cuisine

6:45 PM: Fusion Cuisine

Could Ronaldo be on the right track?

Ronaldo is a side character no more: as of Keep Beach City Weird! he’s bucking for a job as a prophet. Only time will tell if he’s qualified, but we’ve already taken a look at his predictions. Now it’s time to buckle down and wonder what the fact that Ronaldo made his predictions might mean for the history and future of the show.

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