New episode: Open Book will air on March 19, 2015

Just because we’re getting a #StevenBomb doesn’t mean we’re going on a hiatus just yet; we’ve still got  a few more episodes to go yet, and Open Book will air on March 19, 2015 at 5:00 PM EDT. This is one of the three episodes that were shifted from season one into season two. Don’t miss it!

Open Book
Steven and Connie want a new ending to a beloved book series, so Steven takes them into Rose’s Room to re-enact it..

Immediate reaction to Rose’s Scabbard

stevenbomb2Well, they certainly started #StevenBomb off with a bang. We won’t be doing full writeups for each episode until after the week is done, but we’ll still be doing these short immediate reactions.

Rose’s Scabbard gave us some excellent history lessons (the kind of stuff we just eat up) and a very good look into Pearl’s character. What more could we ask for in an episode?

We know a bit more about the rebellion now, though the pyramid temple from Serious Steven is just as mysterious as ever.

Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 5: Marble Madness

In thPodcastTitlee fifth episode of the podcast, GC13, Ken, and Hunter discuss Marble Madness and the impending #StevenBomb.

Peridot: cute bureaucrat or cutest bureaucrat? Will Pearl gain the secondary title of crab mom, or is she simply being dramatic? Why is the homeworld returning now? Is there a point in dancing around a (spoiler warning) new character’s name if you’re just going to say it later?

Be sure to tune in tomorrow: we’ll be recording and releasing podcasts daily for the duration of #StevenBomb, and we’ll be back at the regular time next week as well for an episode discussing the event as a whole.

Aivi and Surasshu post: Defective

What better way to start off #StevenBomb than with a track posted from Aivi and Surasshu? Today we get Defective (1:28) from On the Run.

Song of the week: Peridot

Our little show stealer has done it again: she’s swooped in at the end of another episode and given a great performance. Well of course her theme, simply named Peridot, is this week’s song of the week, as #StevenBomb begins and Peridot’s influence is felt further as we wait to see what happens after she reports the Crystal Gems.

Steven Universe air times for March 9-15, 2015

stevenbombIt’s here everyone: #StevenBomb is upon us. Don’t forget that Steven Universe has been moved to a new time: it will now air at 5:00 PM EDT.

All times are in EDT.

1:30 PM: Keep Beach City Weird!
1:45 PM: Steven the Sword Fighter
5:00 PM: Rose’s Scabbard
5:15 PM: Serious Steven

1:30 PM: Marble Madness
1:45 PM: Alone Together
5:00 PM: The Message
5:15 PM: Mirror Gem

1:30 PM: Watermelon Steven
1:45 PM: Future Vision
5:00 PM: Political Power
5:15 PM: Cat Fingers

1:30 PM: On the Run
1:45 PM: Onion Trade
5:00 PM: The Return
5:15 PM: Jail Break

1:30 PM: Giant Woman
1:45 PM: Cheeseburger Backpack
5:00 PM: Full Disclosure
5:15 PM: Alone Together

11:30 AM: Rose’s Scabbard
11:45 AM: Steven and the Stevens
12:00 PM: Lion 3: Straight to Video
12:15 PM: Keep Beach City Weird!

A relative size chart of the Crystal Gems

Well this was fun to make. The characters don’t seem to be completely consistent in how they’re drawn, but they’re consistent enough to get a pretty good idea for their relative heights.

Trying to go from relative height to absolute height is more difficult: Steven seems to be about as tall as a doorknob is high, which would put him at three feet tall. This would all be well and good, except Pearl and Greg would have to be 5’1″ tall. We know Greg said he wasn’t that tall, but we don’t think he’s actually that short either. If we assumed Greg to be 5’8″, that would put Steven (and therefore a 10 on this chart) at 3’4″ tall (and mean doorknobs are placed pretty high in Beach City for some reason).

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What could Marble Madness mean?

We’ve gone over what questions Marble Madness answered for us, so now it’s time to see what new questions it’s left for us to ask.

Here’s to hoping that Full Disclosure lives up to its name: we’re so excited that we’re climbing the canyon walls!

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What we learned from Marble Madness

We learned so much from Marble Madness—that’s what this post is for. Of course as always when we get questions answered new ones rise to take their place—that’s what tomorrow will be for.

Marble Madness is just about as important as Warp Tour for our understanding of the backstory of Steven Universe: just as you’d expect when the episode is about the Crystal Gems encountering something else from space, we can’t help but learn a lot.

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Previews for #StevenBomb

stevenbombEpisode previews are back with a vengeance! CNPreview brings us a preview for each season-one episode that will be airing every day during #StevenBomb next week (at 5 PM EDT, not 6:30!).

Full Disclosure is still a mysterious mystery (of strange mystery). It’s a bit ironic, considering the name, but why worry about that when we have five preview videos to watch?

We still have all of the humor we’ve come to expect, but make no mistake: this stuff’s about to get heavy.

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