Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 110: Drop Beat Dad

PodcastTitleGC13, Sophia, and Hunter real talk about the second episode of the Steven Nuke: Drop Beat Dad. It’s about a DJ’s dead beat dad—who knew?

Are you ready to Guac? Have you ever had a dream? Seen a glorious future for yourself that you yearn to achieve? Steven has: he wants to be a roadie. This is the episode where he gets to live that dream!

With eighty percent of Germans making their living DJing, there’s certain to be plenty of demand for this skill once the whole Homeworld situation gets sorted out; with the avocado power condensed into each can (three avocados!), he’ll have the strength to live that dream every day of his life.

This podcast is sponsored by Guacola.


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    • MeingroessterFan on October 24, 2016 at 12:56 pm

    I do like the impression of Germany you have. Sadly the numbers are massively inflated – only 67% of us make our livings as DJs, which isn’t nearly enough. Both Austria and Switzerland are supplying nearly half the DJ workforce, which is disheartening.

    • Bugberry on October 25, 2016 at 8:43 am

    Maybe I’m just missing a joke, but “hit the diamond” isn’t a term I hear around baseball.

    The earliest example of Steven’s strength I remember was back in Arcade Mania when he destroyed the Meat Beat Mania machine.

    The final boss of Splatoon’s campaign is an evil DJ Octopus.

    Also, we need more Ronaldo. I get where Sophia’s issues come from, but he is far more entertaining than Lars or Sadie.

      • gc13 on October 25, 2016 at 9:20 pm

      “Hit the diamond” means “play baseball”. “Hit the”, roughly meaning “go to” (usually with an implication of familiarity with the activity you’re commencing), and “diamond”, referring to a baseball diamond.

      Oh wait, did I just robotically explain something again? Beep boop, I must get this shirt cleaned.

        • Bugberry on October 26, 2016 at 8:16 am

        I understand what the title means. What I mean is it’s a phrase I haven’t heard used in the context of baseball before, such that the title presented on its own didn’t immediately strike me as connected to baseball. Phrases like “bottom of the ninth” or “step up to the plate” are ones that can theoretically be used in non-baseball situations, but it’s a phrase I immediately would associate with baseball.

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