What haven’t we learned yet about the Great Diamond Authority?

Oh Ronaldo, you amaze us: who could have expected that he would not only be right about Gemkind being led by Diamonds, but that the Diamonds were called the Great Diamond Authority? During #StevenBomb4 we learned about them (from a non-prophetic source) for the first time, so there’s plenty to wonder about.

Pink Diamond

The theory that Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond is in such a weird place right now: Rose Quartz obviously doesn’t have the figure or stature of the other Diamonds we’ve seen (in “the flesh” and in mural form), and her gem’s table is a pentagon rather than a rhombus. At the same time though, her gem is in the same place the old Diamond Authority symbol would lead us to believe Pink Diamond’s was, there is a whole litany of narrative hints that she is in fact Pink Diamond (much like we were given hints about Garnet’s status as a fusion, such as her using a keytar in Steven and the Stevens). Plus, don’t forget the words of the wise Ronaldo: the members of the Great Diamond Authority can take on any form.

Of course now it’s doubly obvious that there was, at some point, a Pink Diamond. Not only do we have the old symbol with the four different diamonds, but as of It Could’ve Been Great we’ve seen that she has a mural on the moon base (but, very interestingly, only her feet were shown).

But was she Rose? Or was Rose merely important to Pink Diamond somehow? We know that Rose’s personalRose Quartz, accompanied by unknown forces, fighting unidentified enemy symbol is a pink triangle. The mural in the Pyramid Temple depicts her fighting another Gem (blue, it seems, which is interesting as we know that Blue Diamond ended up controlling Earth). They are the same height, and her opponent wears a triangle on her chest. It’s possible that the triangle is a symbol of the champions of the Diamonds, while the Diamonds themselves use the rhombus.

Only time will tell. Pink Diamond’s identity will be very interesting when we finally learn it.

Color-coded authority

A very interesting correlation has been pointed out regarding the coloration of Gems and of the Gem they report to:

  • Jasper: Orange (Red + Yellow), reports to Yellow Diamond
  • Peridot: Green (Blue + Yellow), reports to Yellow Diamond
  • Lapis Lazuli: Blue, spotted in Blue Diamond’s court
  • Sapphire: Blue, a member of Blue Diamond’s court
  • Amethyst: Purple (Blue + Red), grown on a planet controlled by Blue Diamond

Each Gem we’ve seen who has a boss reports to the Diamond either of their color or who is part of their color.

Of course we also saw lots of pink and red Gems in Blue Diamond’s court—but only pink and red. No color that would seem to belong with another Diamond according to this theory was seen there.

If this theory were true it would have interesting implications: White Diamond is at the top of the symbol, and Pink Diamond at the bottom. White Diamond was depicted holding a massive orb spotted in the moon base, while Blue and Yellow Diamond, in the middle of the symbol, had nothing. Pink is a mixture of red and white, which means in any sort of color-coding situation pink would be necessarily less authoritative than blue and yellow (two pure, primary colors).

We need to see more of homeworld to know what to make of this. We’re quite interested to see if soldiers all being at least partially red continues to hold true, because there is no red Diamond. (It would make us sad though, since that would mean that centipeetle couldn’t be a quartz honor guard unless honor guards are a special exception.)

The creators of the Gems?

We already wondered about whether the Diamonds did, in fact, design Gems. Peridot might have implied it, but she might not have actually been implying it, or she might be mistaken. As we mentioned though, we have reason to believe that the inner workings of the gem were made before the Diamonds and that the Diamonds (if they designed the Gems at all) only somewhat understand them.

But whether the Diamonds created the other Gems or not, someone almost certainly created the Diamonds. Given Yellow Diamond’s disdain towards organic life, and how readily gems seem to be able to interface with organic life (Steven’s existence, and his ability to fuse with Connie despite Gems thinking fusion requires a body made out of light), we feel like we’re not taking too great a stab in the dark when we guess that the Gems’ creators are organic.

We can only guess at what the Gems would have originally been planned to do, but it appears that by this point the Diamonds have gone into business for themselves. Where are the creators now? A popular fan theory was, at one point, that the Gems were fighting a protracted war, and while season two has made that seem less likely that the war is going badly, they still obviously see a good use for super-weapons.

If the Gems are warring against their creators, it might take the form of more of a hunt than a knock-down drag-down war; Peridot doesn’t seem to have any grudge against organic life while Yellow Diamond does, so if there is any war going on it’s probably not something known to most of the rank and file.

Of course the Gems use the same life essence to live that sustains organic life. The really interesting possibility isn’t that the Gems are in any sort of conflict at all with their creators: it’s that the Gems may very well in a way be their own creators. If an organic species were to reach the pinnacle of technology, it’s not strange that they might want to make new, stronger bodies for themselves. Why make a shell of steel when a body made of light can so readily reform itself?

Of course this is all far-future speculation. Maybe season three will hint at it, or maybe it won’t. We’ll be watching though.


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    • Rogna on February 5, 2016 at 2:18 pm

    Love all of these informative posts, keep ’em coming!
    It’s true, the idea that Rose is Pink Diamond has been hinted at many times in the show. I do think though that’s important to consider the possibility that the crewniverse is just doing this to create confusion around the subject (which is good, it makes things interesting). What I mean is that they, possibly having planned to have Rose be revealed as Pink Diamond from the start, decided to scrap that idea after a while (a lot of people were catching on after all). Now, they might just be dragging this on for the sake of mystery, and justifiably so. Additionally, I think having Rose be Pink Diamond might go against so important themes of the show, which usually take highest priority. Specifically, it would kind of strange if Steven has leadership skills just because he’s half a diamond. With a society that sees the diamonds as being perfect, a society that sort of acts as a major obstacle to the CG’s goals, I’m hesitant towards thinking that the main character’s inherits any of his awesomeness from these perfect-but-not-really gem matriarchs as opposed to just being a natural leader. To be honest though, I’d be happy with whatever Rebecca and the crew have in store for us.
    Also, what’s Rose holding there in that mural? To me, it looks like a pink rhombus. What could that mean? If Rose wasn’t Pink Diamond but was in fact carrying on her work/ideals or something, could this section of the mural could be symbolizing that by having Rose hold Pink Diamond’s gem? I’m really chomping at the bit to get more information on Rose and the diamonds in upcoming episodes!

      • SUfan on February 6, 2016 at 3:17 am

      The show was planned out before it was aired they wouldn’t change it…By now it is IMPOSSIBLE for Rose to be Pink Diamond, 1. she has Quartz attributes, Broad shouldered, tall, thick limbs with a short stomach, long hair, even a gruff voice when she says “What?!” in “We need to talk”This: https://twitter.com/ianjq/status/664567803551154176 Which is one of the creators SAYING Rose is a special Quartz made as a field medic. 2. Her Gem is round, all the Diamonds have Diamond shaped Gems, Then there’s the fact the Diamonds are GIANTS and Rose is Quartz sized. 3. Gem placement isn’t evidence 2 background Gems in “The answer have their Gems on their stomachs. 4. Pink Diamonds Legs are tall and thin Rose is not tall and thin…… 5. Assuming Rose is Pink Diamond just because she’s Pink and was a leader of a REBEL group is stupid. 6. Rose’s skin is based on Rose Quartz. http://ianjq.tumblr.com/post/98525160924/if-the-gems-arent-supposed-to-have-human-skin more conformation from a creator. 7. All the Diamonds are dark colored BD is dark blue YD is Dark yellow etc. A Pink Diamond would have a Lion like skin color. Maybe with darker hair. 8. A Gem cannot change their Gem, their Gem is the only true physical thing their bodies are false they can change those but not the Gems. And who the heck would listen to her anyways? Why would they respect her wishes to be Rose Quartz? She’s a traitor… She’s known as Rose Quartz because she IS. They sent another Quartz after her! A Quartz would be unable to challenge a Diamond and Jasper was pretty confident. It’s clear Pink Diamond is a mystery and not near solved.

    • SUfan on February 6, 2016 at 3:16 am

    Pink Diamond is clearly not Rose….. There are no hints really. First off. Her Gem placement has nothing to do with it as many Gems in the background of “The Answer” had the same Gem placement. Second. Her personal symbol is not a triangle its a Rose…..people are focusing on the shape of the petals instead of the fact that THERE ARE PETALS. Everything associated with Rose has a rose symbol.1. Rose’s shield. The Thorny Rose in its classic form. 2. Even the Sword has the etching of a thorny rose. 3. The thorny rose Flag. The flag of the rebellion. 4. The hand control mechanism. Another example of the Thorny Rose. 5. The Statue of Rose Quartz, standing on a Rose with thorns which has Quartz crystals growing out of it. That’s pretty Symbolic. 7. Roses raining from the sky as the statue awakens. 8. The Rose as Steven’s bubble forms. 9 . THE POWER. TO HEAL. Roses in the background. 10: Rose’s cannon shaped like a Rose and also having the thorny rose symbol. In “The Answer” Every time Rose jumped there would be rose petals left behind why so many Roses if she wasn’t ROSE quartz?By now it is IMPOSSIBLE for Rose to be Pink Diamond, 1. she has Quartz attributes, Broad shouldered, tall, thick limbs with a short stomach, long hair, even a gruff voice when she says “What?!” in “We need to talk”This: https://twitter.com/ianjq/status/664567803551154176 Which is one of the creators SAYING Rose is a special Quartz made as a field medic. 2. Her Gem is round, all the Diamonds have Diamond shaped Gems, Then there’s the fact the Diamonds are GIANTS and Rose is Quartz sized. 3. Gem placement isn’t evidence 2 background Gems in “The answer have their Gems on their stomachs. 4. Pink Diamonds Legs are tall and thin Rose is not tall and thin…… 5. Assuming Rose is Pink Diamond just because she’s Pink and was a leader of a REBEL group is stupid. 6. Rose’s skin is based on Rose Quartz. http://ianjq.tumblr.com/post/98525160924/if-the-gems-arent-supposed-to-have-human-skin more conformation from a creator. 7. All the Diamonds are dark colored BD is dark blue YD is Dark yellow etc. A Pink Diamond would have a Lion like skin color. Maybe with darker hair. 8. A Gem cannot change their Gem, their Gem is the only true physical thing their bodies are false they can change those but not the Gems. And who the heck would listen to her anyways? Why would they respect her wishes to be Rose Quartz? She’s a traitor… She’s known as Rose Quartz because she IS. They sent another Quartz after her! A Quartz would be unable to challenge a Diamond and Jasper was pretty confident. It’s clear Pink Diamond is a mystery and not near solved.

    • SUfan on February 6, 2016 at 3:20 am

    Also, I doubt the Gems would rip off transformers and be reveled to be machines created by a lost organic race.

      • gc13 on February 7, 2016 at 12:30 am

      Don’t forget the Reapers. Or Skynet. It wouldn’t be the first time an artificial species got its own ideas about what it should be doing.

        • SUfan on February 7, 2016 at 3:20 am

        Knowing this series Overdone plots isn’t what it will do. But who knows.

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