Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 45: Lars and the Cool Kids

PodcastTitleGC13, Ken, and Hunter continue to go through the old episodes by discussing Lars and the Cool Kids.

The cool kids we see are nearly perfect opposites of the traditional “cool kid” that cartoons like to portray, but rather than be one-note characters they’ve continued to see episodes in the series.

Lars didn’t come off so well, but at least he tried to learn something from the events of this episode. (Hunter would disagree, and say that that he didn’t try very hard.)

Auditions are over and we’ve gone through them, and next week we’ll have a new member: sofireous! Thank you to everyone who applied.


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    • ArtisticCatalyst on August 31, 2015 at 5:27 pm

    Hey guys. I love your podcast and I’ve been trying to leave you guys a review on iTunes ((for the past several weeks and even now it doesn’t work)). Today’s episode was fun to listen too, especially when you’re arguing about Lars as a character. Lars is okay but I have not strong feelings towards his character but meh.That aside, I agree with Hunter about Sourcream (pretty great character with the little we’ve seen of him). I can’t wait for all the episodes to come & to hear the new host. Remember to keep it together until the end of this hiatus.
    ~Stay Rad

      • Ken on September 2, 2015 at 3:22 am

      Gee, Thanks! I agree, it may be hard to defend Lars as a “person”, but as a character he’s ok enough. Meh.

  1. Hey guys I just finished listening to this episode and I’m thrilled to hear you accepted my submission! The email I used to apply is weird in how it marks things as spam, but there is a separate email which I use to communicate directly with people. If there’s a way I could disclose it to you privately I’d like to send that to you so we could we could talk more reliably.

    Thanks again for giving me this opportunity,


      • gc13 on September 2, 2015 at 2:57 pm

      Check the audition page: Hunter edited it to include his e-mail address.

      1. E-mail sent.

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