Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 44: So Many Birthdays

PodcastTitleGC13 and Hunter discuss the secret origin of Pearl the Sad Crying Clown: So Many Birthdays. You’re gonna get whacked!

It’s plain to see that Greg put a lot of effort into Steven’s birthdays as he grew up, but what about Aqua Mexico? So many tantalizing things, even without discussing the appearances of the Crystal Gems in the Watson and the Shark painting from the start of the episode.

What do you hope Steven looks like when he gets older, though? Plenty of fanart of older Steven has come out since So Many Birthdays, and little of it seems to use this episode as inspiration.

If you auditioned to join the podcast, please be patient for a bit longer. We haven’t forgotten about you. 🙂


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    • Orion on August 24, 2015 at 2:22 pm

    There was a very good reddit post that pointed out how Steven’s birthday is also the anniversary of the day Rose gave up her physical form; and yet, despite this, Greg does the best he can to give Steven the best birthday experience possible. Says a lot about Greg…

    • Morgan (2Rad) on August 26, 2015 at 1:01 am

    I was on vacation and I totally missed that you were looking for people to join the podcast. Are “auditions” still open?

      • gc13 on August 27, 2015 at 11:43 pm

      Sorry. The deadline is the deadline. 🙁

    • Something Witty on September 3, 2015 at 7:43 am

    If Stevonnie used her age shapeshifting powers to become a different age, and then unfused, woyld Connie de age permanently?

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