Immediate reaction to Chille Tid

Argh, it’s like twisting a knife in our chest. That’s one heck of a cliffhanger to go back to a hiatus on. Well, at least we have a good idea who’s going to get their plotline resolved during the mid-season finale. 😀

So we learned a very interesting new ability that Gems seem to have (though it doesn’t seem to be common), and we’ve learned that when Gems pretend-sleep they get much closer to real sleep than perhaps the name would indicate.

Oh yes, and we are awarded zero points for predicting that the episode, while containing a slumber party, would actually be about something else.

So, that’s #StevenBomb2.0. With no episode premier scheduled for next week, it looks like we’re back to the hiatus. Don’t worry guys, Steven will be back in no time! For now though, it’s chille tid.

Ratings for We Need To Talk

Well it looks like the digital distributors putting the episode up for sale early didn’t do too much damage: We Need To Talk still managed to get 1,732,000 viewers (which means it did quite well at pulling in viewers in its time slot).

Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 28: We Need To Talk

PodcastTitleStevenBomb2Ken, GC13, and Dakota convene to talk about We Need To Talk and talk about how cool What Can I Do For You was (well, GC13 and Dakota liked it, but Ken is doing the contrarian thing).

The design on Rainbow Quartz, the character of Rose Quartz, and Pearl’s actions are all discussed (with GC13, as always, taking Pearl’s side). Not that Pearl was anything worse than catty in this episode (and her actions did give us Rainbow Quartz, so that’s something to be thankful for).

Of course deeper questions also come up: if Steven fused with the Crystal Gems, how different would the fusions be than if his mother fused with them? Can he even fuse with them at all?

Aivi and Surasshu post: What Can I Do For You

It’s been a while since we’ve had a new song to post, but Aivi and Surasshu have delivered the goods: What Can I Do For You (2:28), from We Need to Talk is up and ready to be listened to.

Immediate reaction to We Need to Talk

Every time a Rose Quartz song seemed likely we didn’t get it, yet it sneaks in here. And so well, too! Of course if you’ve seen the episode you know that the song isn’t the biggest bombshell. Who’s ready for an update to the Crystal Gem size chart? 🙂

We learned a lot about Rose in this episode. So much. This is probably more characterization than she’s had in all of the prior episodes combined. Not too much lore (except for… well, you know), but a whole lot of characterization.

Ratings for Keeping It Together

Another episode, another good crop of viewers. Keeping It Together managed 1,796,000 viewers last night.

Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 27: Keeping It Together

PodcastTitleStevenBomb2Phew. Sometimes these episodes just get heavy, you know? GC13, Ken, and Dakota are here, though, to discuss Keeping It Together and all it means.

So the good news/bad news first: while chances look grim for Peridot eventually joining the Crystal Gems, it’s not impossible yet. And the experiments mean that, in the future, we’re going to learn a whole lot more about the project.

Coming so soon after Sworn to the Sword, it’s very interesting to see Pearl (who, like Connie, does not seem to be built for fighting) express a desire to do household chores, rather than feeling a mere obligation. Will we learn more about what Pearls are supposed to be like soon?

Finally, the process of doing the laundry is more magical than Garnet lets on: the washing machine can also dry clothes, it seems.

Immediate reaction to Keeping it Together


Sorry for shouting, but we said we’d do it.

Well… That happened. This makes it much less likely for Peridot to join the team (unfortunately, though there’s still a glimmer of hope). We did get a very handy explanation of how the Kindergarten works though (mostly just things we already figured out for ourselves being made explicit), and a bit more fusion talk. A good episode for lore.

Ratings for Rising Tides, Crashing Skies

#StevenBomb2.0 continues to come on strong, with Rising Tides, Crashing Skies managing to pull in 1,821,000 viewers.

Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 26: Rising Tides, Crashing Skies

PodcastTitleStevenBomb2GC13, Ken, and Dakota assemble once more to discuss Rising Tides, Crashing Skies. Despite the relatively low-key nature of the episode, the lore discussion gets kind of heavy.

Is Mayor Dewey involved in some conspiracy to cover up the activities of the Crystal Gems? Or is he just a very nervous politician keen to change the subject whenever the walking disasters only he recognizes as such are brought up?

How does the temple door work? Has Amethyst become better at fighting since her introspection in Reformed?miniatureenemycrab

Oh, and we know a lot of you caught it yourselves, but since it was brought up in the podcast, isn’t this guy just adorbable?