Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 159: Too Cool For School

GC13, Sophia, and David discuss the first graphic novel for Steven Universe, Too Cool For School.

Whether Steven’s first moments in school were cute or not, it seems that by the second day he found himself in his element (that is to say: a monster attack). He’s also surprisingly capable at taking tests in a mystery subject, despite never having attended class.

This graphic novel really feels like an episode though. Hopefully the next graphic novel, Anti-Gravity, will be at least as good.

The podcast will be having trivia night soon! If you have any trivia questions about the show you’d like to hear asked, please submit them to the podcast’s Tumblr account. Our first trivia night was way back in episode 62 if you’d like to listen.


    • Jon P on October 4, 2017 at 12:29 pm

    Do we have any idea why Anti-Gravity got pushed back? I do recall seeing that it was going to be released over the summer, and then last month I realized I just hadn’t heard anything about it, and now all of the sudden it’s coming in the fall.
    With Save the Light, which was teased with “Coming this summer” all the way until summer had started, and then eventually became “Coming this fall”, we’ve got the development team talking about how they’re still making some final fixes.

      • gc13 on October 5, 2017 at 10:51 am

      They’ve been tight-lipped about the reasons so all we have is speculation. There could have been difficulties with the graphic novel itself, or they could have decided that they didn’t want to be premiering new episodes and wanted the release to coincide with new episodes.

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