Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 1: On the Run

PodcastTitleIn the first episode of our podcast, Takuza, MexicanGameboy, and GC13 discuss On the Run and what could be coming at the end of season one. Is the Kindergarten the full extent of the homeworld’s plans for Earth, or was there more to it? What was Lapis Lazuli doing on Earth? How did the corruption occur?

Finally, and most importantly, there is an urgent call for fan art: please make your best picture of Pearl wielding an axe and getting a little too into the spirit of being a viking warrior and link to it in the comments section. We need it.


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    • Sol on February 9, 2015 at 5:43 pm

    Hey! So glad that this is a thing! Not asking necessarily more of simply wondering but will you have more members joining or guests or whomever. I’m totally interested and all but I don’t want to be a bother.


      • gc13 on February 9, 2015 at 5:49 pm

      We’re in the process of figuring stuff out, but I think we’re full up. Our fourth member couldn’t record with us, and we don’t want too many people or the interrupting will be real.

    • Madi on February 10, 2015 at 10:31 am

    I’m so pumped that you guys are doing a podcast! I love this site and it’s awesome to hear the voices behind it.

    Regarding the clunky dialogue: Steven also watches a LOT of Anime, and they definitely talk like that in the dubs, so maybe he’s copying it, too…and a random thought: have you guys heard the extended theme song that Rebecca sang at that Gallery Nucleus show forever ago? I feel like it’s becoming steadily more relevant and it might be an interesting thing to talk about I DUNNO

      • gc13 on February 10, 2015 at 2:20 pm

      The extended theme song would be a lot more interesting if there wasn’t so much noise. If the video wasn’t so tightly cropped I might be able to do something with it.

      Of course the real prize is whatever she’s singing behind all of the “dada dada dada dah dah dah”. Oh, it just makes the Ronaldo inside me burst with anticipation. Here’s to hoping for a declassified version as the season two theme song.

    • Kestrel on February 10, 2015 at 1:17 pm

    Good job guys! Looking forward to more!

    • Robert on February 20, 2015 at 1:53 pm

    A little bit related to the podcast than Steven Universe, but I had to pause and rewind when someone said within 100 miles of Delmarva!

      • gc13 on February 20, 2015 at 3:01 pm

      Well they wouldn’t have been on the train for very long. I thought it was a reasonable estimate. 🙂

        • Robert on February 20, 2015 at 4:09 pm

        True! It’s just that I never would have thought someone would say Delmarva on a podcast, TV, or otherwise unless they are local! lol

      • Robert on February 20, 2015 at 4:35 pm

      I kinda feel dumb now… haha I didn’t realize that Beach City is in Delmarva until this conversation and doing some digging/research… It’s just weird because I live in Delmarva, so I never thought about this. Sweet!

        • gc13 on February 20, 2015 at 6:16 pm

        You have to be kind of obsessive to know it; I think the only place to state it explicitly is the Keep Beach City Weird blog, when Ronaldo opened it up for Asks after Keep Beach City Weird! aired.

        The only thing in the show itself to indicate it takes place in Delmarva is the window of the Big Donut saying, in small letters, “Beach City, DV”. I’m not even sure that that’s actually visible at any point either, as the only time you might get a good look at it Lars and Sadie are in the way for the entire shot.

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