The HBO Max Purge: The Losses of Summer Camp Island, Infinity Train, Mao Mao, and OK KO

I don’t normally do news, but I couldn’t keep quiet about this. HBO Max has purged a lot of their animated shows, including fan favorites like Summer Camp Island, Infinity Train, Mao Mao, and OK KO. They’re gone now, apparently headed for a tax write off. Maybe they’ll stay available on Prime Video, maybe they won’t, but so much for HBO Max.

You’re all sad, and I’m sad too. Summer Camp Island’s sixth season will eventually air on Cartoon Network, this much we know, but what happens after that? And Infinity Train, Mao Mao, and OK KO have already been cut short by executives past; their time has already gone. All of these shows are gone from HBO Max, and are in the process of being scrubbed from company sites, but let’s hope they linger at least somewhere.