Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 189: Pool Hopping

GC13 and David discuss the ultimate future vision episode: Pool Hopping.

While the last piece of Garnet’s future vision puzzle was finally explained to us in Pool Hopping, there’s a lot more to get excited over—cats, for instance! Hopefully we see a lot more of Cat Steven in the future, even if just in the background.

It does leave the question of where everything is going though. Steven is crucial to it all, but how can he protect Earth from the Diamonds?


    • SpectrumTwelve on May 7, 2018 at 8:45 pm

    My opinion on Cat Steven is similar to Pumpkin. I didn’t expect that Steven Universe was the type of show where there would be random “stray” characters taken in but here we are.

    Overall I’m looking forward to seeing Cat Steven in the background of the scenes.

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