Lunar Sea Spire podcast episode 229: Last call on Change Your Mind

GC13 and Isabelle discuss a few things that were missed about Change Your Mind the first time the episode was discussed.

This is a time to discuss happier things, like the ending—wasn’t that sweet? Or Lars finally getting back to Sadie. Wasn’t it great to see him make it to her big Beach City concert after all?

Of course there are less happy questions, like what broke Pink Pearl’s eye? Maybe a future Steven Universe series will answer that question, and give Nephrite her hair back.


    • Malcolm Rambert on February 5, 2019 at 2:00 pm

    Nice little discussion. I will say that it’s nice to see how both the major and minor characters (Lars, Sadie, etc.) have come so far in terms of character arcs and development. That isn’t something you see a whole lot of in western animation.

    By the way, have any of you watched or read Mob Psycho 100? The show actually has a lot in common with Steven Universe (pacifist protagonist, themes of love and self-care, etc.). The 2nd season just started and the entire 1st season is excellently dubbed and streaming on Funimation. If you get bored of waiting for more episodes, the whole manga is finished as well (100 chapters in total, around 80 if you watch the 1st season).

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